Deskripsi Perusahaan
The company was founded in 2013 by a group of local and international professionals passionate about Architecture in Indonesia. Studio17 offers expedient and high level architectural services for both Indonesian and International investors. With extensive experience managing successful projects from the initial design phase to completion, our team works closely with contractors and subcontractors to ensure that each project is completed on time, within budget and at the highest-level of implementation. We have a perfect track record of successful developments for both private and commercial projects and are proud to always work in cooperation with local professionals. Studio 17 Architectural Services secures the complete realization of the client’s needs and dreams.
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Perencanaan, perancangan desain, perkiraan anggaran, dan pengontrolan pembangunan bangunan (seperti perumahan, pertokoan, dan perkantoran).
Syarat Pekerjaan
Memiliki attitude yang baik, minimal lulusan S1 Architect, penempatan di kantor Bali, bisa bekerja dengan baik, cepat, teliti, bisa bekerja sesuai dengan instruksi yang diberikan, menguasai software (Autocad, Sketchup, Photoshop, Revit dan Rendering), Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun dibidangnya. | Subject Email: Architect