Deskripsi Perusahaan

CV. Aswaru Visual Media adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang konveksi dan retail jersey serta pakaian olahraga lainnya dengan nama brand BRAVE.CO.ID

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

- Create stunning digital and print design assets - Collaborate with the marketing team to align design with communications plans - Developing new merchandise concepts to strengthen brand presence - Design exhibition booths and provide support for event related design needs - Manage and supervise stock of consumable goods, including merchandise production

Syarat Pekerjaan

- Experienced Graphic Designers with a strong portfolio. Talented and advanced Adobe CC skills - Excellent color coordination abilities - A creative mind with great conceptual skills - Highly organized and detail-oriented - Age Up to 35 years old. - Runners or Sports enthusiasts is a plus

  • Tingkat Pendidikan



  • Jenis Kelamin



  • Usia Maksimal


    35 Tahun

  • Status Kerja


  • Full Time

Ringkasan Lowongan