Deskripsi Perusahaan
The Bali Children s Project is a non-profit dedicated to education as a means of improving the lives of disadvantaged young people in Bali. It is founded on the belief that children, empowered to realize their potential, will enrich their own lives, their villages and the world that we all share. Bali Childrens Projects programs include School Sponsorships for Children, Schools Renovations, Library Renovations, Sex and Health Awareness, Child Protection, Green Community, and more
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
- Mempromosikan pelatihan atau kursus online perlindungan anak dan sex education bagi guru
Syarat Pekerjaan
- Keterampilan komunikasi verbal dan tertulis yang kuat melalui email, telepon, dan media sosial. - Mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan mencapai target outreach. - Pendidikan minimal D3 atau S1, diutamakan dari bidang pendidikan, ilmu sosial, kesehatan, atau bidang terkait. - Pengalaman dalam outreach atau keterlibatan di sektor pendidikan, even better