Deskripsi Perusahaan
Falala Chocolate is a premium Balinese chocolate with Japanese style made from best cocoa beans. Our product has a character that is immediately soft and melt when it comes into your mouth. With an elegant and exclusive packaging, Falala Chocolate can be used as a gift for your loved ones. The soft texture of Falala Chocolate will leave you addicted from the first bite. And also this chocolate made with love.
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
- Menata barang sesuai ketentuan - Melakukan pendataan - Pemindahan barang saat distribusi - Koordinasi tim - Memastikan data produk yang akan dikirim - Mematuhi prosedur - Pemeliharaan barang secara preventif
Syarat Pekerjaan
- Pria. maksimal umur 25 tahun dan minimal pengalaman 1 tahun - Kompeten, rajin bekerja, cekatan(inisiatif tinggi) dan berintegritas